Transcendent Formulas, Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

EXCERPT FROM SEASONS OF LOVE, now available on (Seasons of Love contain many other diffusion formulas not found on the Seasons posts.)  Click to Purchase Seasons of Love

Sagittarius, Nov. 22 – Dec. 21, The Centaur: a Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter.

The energies of the planet shift with the changing seasons and the changing tides. Each season brings different challenges and differing sources of happiness and joy. As we progress through the months, different astrological forces take hold changing the perfect formula for healing.  Each sign of the Zodiac holds a different energy and is ruled by a different planet. Each planet is named for a Roman God. Each of these Gods has channeled transcendent formulas, which are combinations of Sacred Essences (essential oils), through me that combat dis-ease specifically during the time period when their energy is most powerful. The healing comes from the awareness that our purpose is to discover passionate happiness in all areas of life. These transcendent formulas open us to this awareness, leading to the healing of mind, body and spirit.
Each Zodiac month includes the same list of conditions (dis-eases). Each month, the transcendent property of the sacred essence formula, creates a powerful spiritual opening which combats the dis-ease. The formula is effective only in the specified Zodiac month. Substitution of oils will not work.  Each dis-ease falls under a category. If you resonate with the category, or as little as one of the dis-eases listed in the category, you may choose to treat it with the recommended essential oils. If you dowse (muscle test or use a pendulum) please feel free to dowse to help you determine which formulas to use.
Diffusing the essences is the best method of application. Put three drops of each oil in your diffuser (using your diffuser’s directions). When the water runs out, refill the diffuser with the same formula until the problem has shifted.  If you are working with multiple formulas, alternate formulas in your diffuser.

Channeled Message from The God Jupiter: Sometimes the sky appears bleak. But then beautiful colors appear. This is my energy, opening up passageways of beauty after periods of emptiness. These passageways are everywhere. Just open your senses and breathe in the beauty, and be excited to be you, a magnificent soul, experiencing the rich sensual experience of being human. Do not deny your rich sensuality, even if there is bleakness around you, because it is this sensuality that fills you with pleasure. I Jupiter, am honored to guide you on your journey to discover light even when life can appear to be dark.

Nov 22 – Dec 21

Dis-ease Relief

Sacred Essences Transcendent     Affirmation
Blocked Perception

·   Crossed Wires

·   Overwhelm

·   Brain Fog

·   Memory Loss

·   Sensory Issues

·   Nerve Related Issues

·   Learning Disabilities

·   Lack of Focus



I perceive a beautiful, loving reality.


Blocked Talent

·   Disconnection

·   Lack of Intimacy

·   Chaos

·   Autism Spectrum

·   Fear Over-attachment



I create my own luck.
Body Pain

·   Headaches

·   Joint Issues

·   Basic Needs Conflict


Wild Orange


I open my vision with love.
Circulation Issues

·   Calcification

·   Cramps

·   Mucus Buildup

·   Headaches

Wild Orange




Only love is real.
Cosmic Forces

·   Worry

·   Bronchitis

·   ADD

·   OCD

·   Fear of Intimacy

·   Weak Immune System

·   Terror

·   Retrograde Sensitivity

·   Extreme Weather

·   Motion Sickness

·   Home Sickness

·   Sinus Pressure

·   Psychic Discomfort

·   Feeling Crushed

·   Can’t figure it out

·   Over-sensitive

·   Karmic Issues

·   Moral Judgment

·   Persecution

·   It’s Terrifying



Nothing can hurt me when I have full compassion and love for myself. I am a powerful force of love and light.

·   Constipation

·   Diarrhea

·   IBS

·   Gas

·   Nausea

·   Dizziness

·   Disgust

·   Overwhelm

·   Clutter


Juniper Berry

I banish doubt and I am faith.

·   Family Disharmony

·   Terrorism and War

·   Cancer

·   Anger

·   Infestations

·   Jealousy

·   Animal Issues

·   Cough



I create peace for myself, my family and the planet through compassion.

·   Disappointed

·   Broke

·   Can’t Lose Weight

·   Sad


Wild Orange


I know it’s working!

·   The Blahs

·   Scarce: resources, time, space, business, solutions, friends, peace

·   Pain Conditions

·   Other’s Unhappiness



Resources expand around me to fit my needs.

·   Chronic Disease

·   Decay

·   Blood Issues

·   Isolated

·   Rage

·   Weird habits


White Fir

All problems are solved as I am one with all.

·   Allergies

·   Sleep Issues

·   Congestion

·   Odd Behavior

·   Frustrated



I choose to be me. All problems are solved.
Fear of Judgment

·   Weight Issues

·   Constant Unrest

·   Stenches

·   Blood Sugar Issues

·   Fear of Looking Stupid, Freaky, Greedy, Crazy, Weird, Like a Joke or Ridiculous

Joyful Blend


I release fear of judgment as I live my truth.
Fear of Success

·   Panic

·   Fatigue

·   Disrupted

·   Fear of Criticism

·   Perfectionism

·   Dehydration

·   Sleep Apnea

·   Depressed Spirit


Wild Orange

My victories are good for the world.
Fluid Regulation

·   Kidney Issues

·   Bladder Issues

·   Metabolic Issues

·   Fluid Retention

·   Temperature Control

·   Hungry

·   Plumbing Issues



My body, mind and spirit have a graceful flow.

·   Bloody Mess

·   Numbness

·   Infertility

·   Disabled

·   Breathing Issues

·   Lost

·   Catastrophizing

·   Injured



I am that I am and I am thriving.
Hormonal Imbalances

·   Racing Heart

·   Anxiety

·   Menstrual

·   Diabetes

·   Headaches

·   Threatened

·   Hot Flashes



My body is in harmony with the perfection of the universe.
I Don’t Deserve It

·   Feeling Old

·   Missing Old Friends

·   Feeling Different

·   Disconnected

·   Disappointment

·   Gaining Weight

·   Uncomfortable

·   Technology Issues

·   Guilt and Shame

·   Hormonal Issues

·   Tiredness

·   Weird Pains

·   Skin Conditions

Protective Blend There are abundant opportunities for me to play my way.
It’s Not Safe

·   Embarrassment

·   Spine Issues

·   Migraines

·   OCD

·   Weakness

·   Triggered

Wild Orange


I am grateful and embrace who I am and all that I can be.
Lack of Self Love

·   Awkward

·   Uncomfortable

·   Unpopular

·   Insecure

·   Teeth & Gum Issues

·   Sinus Issues

·   Weighty

Wintergreen My desires are good for me.
Life’s Hard

·   Injured

·   Fear of My Power

·   Lost Animals

·   Lost Grace

·   Hyper-focused

·   Clueless

·   Clumsy

·   Over-sensitive

·   Difficulty Breathing

Spearmint Life is sweet and easy.

·   Invisibility

·   Hopelessness

·   Grief

·   Heartbreak

·   Heart Conditions



I inspire loveliness.

·   Impatience

·   Blood Pressure

·   Fear of Success



With every breath, I discover infinite opportunities.

·   Anxiety

·   Depression

·   Addiction

·   Unrecognized

·   Clogged Passageways

·   Unpredictable

·   Sluggish

·   Unmotivated

·   Mathematical Blocks

Frankincense I trust that my future is perfect for me.
Shameful Memories

·   Separation Anxiety

·   Hair Issues

·   Skin Issues

·   Nail Issues

·   Guilt

·   Shame

·   Irresponsible

·   Unsatisfied

·   Dread

·   Infections

·   Freaky Thoughts

·   Genetic Conditions

·   Skittish


Blue Tansy (1 drop)


Adventure is bliss.

·   Decision Angst

·   On-edge

·   Headaches

·   Pet Issues

·   Foot & Ankle Pain

·   Fear of Neediness

·   Aging

·   Spatially Challenged

·   Insatiable

Wild Orange


My body supports my flow and grace.

·   Autoimmune Issues

·   Past Life Pain

·   Severe Fatigue

·   Separation Anxiety

Respiratory Blend


I trust that disruption that comes from the heart brings peace and happiness.

·   Sexual Dysfunction

·   Absence of Sexuality

·   Frigidity

·   Burdened

·   Weight too Tired

·   Lack of Impulse Control

·   Embarrassed by Vulnerability

·   Tortured

·   Snoring

White Fir


My sensory experience is pleasure.

·   Infections

·   Cysts

·   Fungus, Yeast

·   Scalded

·   Haunted

·   Ineffective

·   Absent


Feminine Blend

I forgive because I no longer feel shame.


  copyright Rebecca Cohen 2015


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Essential Oils



The Gentle Force
Purchase here

Meditate With Your Angels
Purchase here

Sound Medicine, Planetary Healing For The New Age
Purchase Here

Crystal Medicine For The New Age
Purchase Here

Food Love Medicine
Purchase Here

Plant Medicine
Purchase Here

Soul Crystal Formation
Purchase Here

My Path to Joy
Purchase Here

Angelic Blessings
Purchase Here

Only Love is Real
Purchase Here

What is my Dog Teaching Me About Me
Purchase Here

Divine Grids
Purchase Here

‎Mystical Manifestation
Purchase Here


Client Downloads

Power Symbols
Path to Heaven Grid
13th Dimension Grid
My Body is a Vortex of Positive Energy Grid
Intake Sheet
Pure Light
Divine Magic Worksheet
Genesis Worksheet
Evolution Grid
Transcendence Worksheet
Oneness with God Meditation by Loretta Vasso (mp3)
Ho'oponopono Video
Miracle Card Spreads

Mystical Manifestation Tools


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