The Path to Heal  is angelic healing system that helps you remove all blocks to joy while taking you on a journey of self-discovery. The blocks are uncovered through muscle testing your energy utilizing The Path’s protocols. This exploration provides specific insight as to the origin of the blocks to joy. Then the angelic vibration of crystals, tuning forks and essential oils raise your vibration to love, releasing the blocks, enabling joy. In-person sessions, distance sessionsbusiness coachingself-help coursespractitioner trainingoracle cards and books by Rebecca Cohen and other trained practitioners are all available.

 The Path  can lead to physical healing because a session utilizes the client’s physical symptoms to illuminate areas in which self-love is needed. The sessions help the client choose grace for oneself (because life is tough), then conditions can dissipate. The Path to Heal can relieve many conditions, including, but not limited to:

• Addictions • Allergies • Autoimmune Syndromes • Chronic Pain • Chronic Fatigue • Digestive Disorders • Fears and Phobias

• Headaches / Post concussion • Insomnia • Learning Disabilities • Lyme Disease • Stress • Viruses and Infections • Weight Issues

The very first concept that Rebecca experienced in the development of this modality is that self-enthusiasm leads to all good things. Rebecca followed this guidance, left her job as a senior vice president in banking, and now is a successful healer, author and spiritual teacher. The Path to Heal will remove the blocks that get in the way of you choosing to do the things that fill you with joy. With this shift, doors will open and you will discover your vocation and how it can abundantly provide for you every day.

I remove blocks to doing what I love every day

I choose joy I am healthy and well provided for when I do I connect with others who are choosing joy We have fun We fall in love We find peace We are bliss


Divine Incarnation

Divine Incarnation is the special lifetime that most who come for help with The Path to Heal are experiencing.  It’s a lifetime wherein a soul can acknowledge and heal all their blocks to self-love.  This is accomplished through self-acceptance (not self-improvement) and the full recognition that we are each the authority of what it is good for us and we truly start to listen to our inner voice above all else.  When these blocks are healed, we no longer need healing and the gates to a heavenly existence are opened and we walk in.  Although there are young souls and ancient souls, all souls can choose to have a Divine Incarnation because all souls are equal.  And the more that do, the more others will follow.

The Magic of The Path to Heal

The Promise of The Path

The Promise of The Path to Heal:  As we heal through The Path, the closer we move to unconditional love, the following can naturally occur:

  1. Miracle healing is received.
  2. Doors open and as long as we go through them, we will live rich and fulfilling lives.
  3. The dreams that are aligned with our heart manifest.
  4. We experience adversity as our friend directing us to discover what we don’t love about self. Once recognizing its purpose and healed through Path sessions, the adversity will disappear.  This adversity can be small or enormous (affecting humanity and the  planet).
  5. We exist in a state of positivity as joyful opportunities present themselves.
  6. We see every other person as love even if they can’t see themselves that way (yet!)
  7. We recognize and cherish our unique gifts and talents; therefore, we are limitless pure potential.
  8. Our reactive nature is healed and instead we are always peace, grace and forgiveness.
  9. We acknowledge that we create our own reality and therefore we take full responsibility for our circumstance.
  10. The past is the learning ground to teach us that only love is real, while the future is our alive and vibrant playground wherein only love is real.
  11. We make choices that are good for us.
  12. Our body and brain function at peak capacity.
  13. Our body is a source of pleasure, always.
  14. All emotions are cherished, as they are clues to our healing needs.
  15. Our self-love grows while our dependencies and fear of loss disappear.
  16. All is synchronistic ease.
  17. We are our creative soul.
  18. Facing our fears becomes a joyful exercise.
  19. All is always well.
  20. Success is free and easy.

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