I have come to experience that everything that triggers us is a mirror of personal insecurity. The trigger can be a friend, loved one, political figure, entertainer, a situation, our computer, etc. If we’re bothered at all then it’s within ourselves to heal. There is a dimension of The Path to Heal that specifically helps us figure out how externally triggers are really about us. In the absence of a Path session, this is how it works.
1) Right a complaining list about a person or issue
2) For each complaint, change the subject to “I”
3) Then meditate on how might you perceive this be true for you. It most likely comes from an earlier time. Ask to be shown the connections.
4) Diffuse wild orange, lavender and clove essential oils together if you have them, to recognize that your perception of yourself is not true because only love is real. Diffuse these oils until you have forgiven yourself. (If you don’t have the oils, mediate and asked to be shown the path to self-forgiveness which always leads to forgiveness of others).
My daughter is lazy
Change to “I am lazy”
Then perform steps 3 & 4 above to recognize that only love is real and forgive self, which leads to forgiveness of others
An this is the path to heal.