Virus Healing and “Do I Matter?”

On Sunday, I received this text from a very wise friend: I think the virus will leave once we know where it comes from and why it’s here… My intuition says that what we are learning to know is “I matter”. Once we believe it, it we will not be quite so angry. It may only take one person to really really believe it.

My reaction to this text was immediate. I felt truth.  All over The Path to Heal, the protocols help clients release blocks to being truly authentic and recognizing their inherent value.  Through Path, we discover how we have covered up authenticity because we our authentic self was hurt and we then question our value.  In this context, most of us spend our lives questioning and trying to prove: “I matter.”  This need to prove “I matter” is subtle.  We don’t use those words.  Instead, we ask:
am I making a difference? 
am I a good person?
do I have good values?
does anybody want or need me?
how will I be remembered?
have a lived a good life?
have I found my vocation?
The more we question our value, the more we are truly asking, “do I matter?”
Yesterday I spoke to a friend that I hadn’t spoken to for a month.  Inside the month she had a very bad case of Covid-19 and has since recovered.  I asked her if she could relate to the constant question of “do I matter?” and she said “yes” quite definitively.  No one else in her family contracted the virus which as always is perplexing, and she asked me to muscle test if questioning “do I matter?” makes one more susceptible to Covid-19.   My muscle testing gave a strong yes.  Clearly this is not a scientific test, but it is the test that I use to develop The Path to Heal.  The good news surrounding this answer is that within days, multiple protocols came through me to help my clients release this question by connecting to their divinity.  Through owning the “I am” (with the help of my Divine Incarnation cards),  there can never be a question of value because one’s purpose, joy and fulfillment naturally actualize.  Through these protocols within a Pathsession, a cellular correction is made, strengthening the immune system so that questioning “do I matter?’ no longer creates an imbalance that leaves one susceptible to viruses in general.
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